We all have Guardian Angels and Guides that walk with us. We are asked by these beings of light to acknowledge their presence and know that we are not alone.
The angels share that it is our responsibility to trust from within our heart and live our lives in JOY. We set the patterns and circumstances in our lives and we have the ability to shift our energies and live the lives we choose to live.
The angels have taught me that we must open our hearts to come to terms with whom we are.
Breath is Life and Breath is Peace
When we learn to Breathe we open a presence within our own hearts and we set ourselves free from the chaos of everyday life.
The angels are here to work with us, to be in service to our needs. All we need to do is ASK for their presence within our lives. It is a Universal Law for guidance to be called upon, and all we must do is ASK, TRUST and BELIEVE.
Open your heart and allow the presence of your angels and guides to assist you on your journey in life, and see the miracles of joy open your heart to new beginnings. We can live our lives in the joy of peace, abundance and all that is good when we see and know that we are safe and always taken care of.
Set yourself free and begin the journey within your life by using the power of your Breath, taking time to sit quietly and allowing your angels and guides to connect with you. Listen to their messages for they will always guide you with love.
Love is the Light and Light holds the power to Heal.
Angels are pure beings of light, and they are here to assist us when we call upon their divine presence.
Hold Gratitude & Forgiveness in your heart, and as the angels taught me "Thank everyone who taught you well."
Messages of Light offers Channeled and Intuitive readings for both groups and individuals. We hope you enjoy your visit.